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I don't want to be alone with my thoughts.
I don't want to turn off the light,
And bounce around in my head
With the idea of a future
That you're not in.
But it's there.

I used to see a string,
Long and fleshy,
Reaching through highways
Connecting us together.
But I'm feeling it being sawed
By me.
Though I wonder
If you severed it long ago.

There's cold sweat dripping
Down my forehead,
Down my neck,
Down my back,
I wish it could wash away
Your kisses,
And the craving
For your fingertips.

There's a dull sleepiness
Pounding on my head,
If I'm fatigued enough,
My thinking will get fuzzy,
So you can't let yourself in
Or out.
So I can have you
Without the hurt of you.

I don't want to be alone with my thoughts.

Images of your head on my pillow
Smiling up at me,
While the morning light
Bathed your face,
And you smiled,
What I could've sworn was the most
Smile I'd ever seen,
Are scratching at my eyes.

Lies are toxic.
You can't love someone,
And lie almost as often
As you draw breath,
But I wish you could.
I wish you could,
Because that would mean
You really do love me.

My thoughts are mean right now.
They want to tear at you,
The same way you tore at me.
While wanting to fall asleep with you,
And making it harder to say goodbye.

Don't leave me alone with my thoughts.

Say you love me,
Lie to me for one more night,
And say you love me.
 Jul 2016 Rae Miller
b e mccomb
i make my bed
four times a year
because when the blankets
are on correctly
it's not easily accessible
to wear as a cape.

and i sometimes wish that
i could get out of my
and open up enough
to love someone
else for once.

i sometimes spray more
perfume on my
pajamas than my
dresses it's not
aromatherapy but sometimes
i calm down.

sometimes i manage to
about these
through my mind.

and sometimes i just
fall apart
but sometimes i pull
myself together.

today is the sum
of those times.
Copyright 12/11/15 by B. E. McComb
The moon pulls the waters
of time
forwards and backwards
along with the yellow sun
eroding the shores of
the people we know
the people we love
they disappear
from our lives
There's a thunderstorm in the sunlight
beneath the sky we share.
Yet it just doesn't seem quite right
without having you here.

So I'll make do just killing time
waiting for the rain to quit,
because once I can call you mine
I'll be happy that I did.

Then we can scour the earth
in search of those bright grey days
that made the wait worth
spending it alone in the rain.
In tangled sheets and tangled limbs
we explore the deepest corners of our being.
Our rhythmic heartbeats is the music in our ears                                    
accompanying the slow dance of our conjoined bodies            
Your hungry lips gift beautifully scattered red roses upon my neck                                                             ­                   
as you mark your territory
devouring my flesh.
Serenading you with the songs of my pleasure,
I plead, I beg!
For you to lead our dance
for our bodies to move in sync with the rapid beats of our heart.

Soon we are moving sensually through the night with wanton need
kisses falling upon our bodies like cold snow    
sending shivers.
Our starving souls ignite a fire within us 
whilst searching for one another.
The hurried movements we share fuel the flames as it spreads through us,
a fast burning in our bones.
With aching desire, we dance till we are unfeeling,
till the fire consumes us and erupts in an explosion of euphoria,
till you rain down on me.
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