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 Feb 2015 psm
Diving Deep
 Feb 2015 psm
Part I:
I, on the shore, so longing to dive in
Felt your race car fast waves
As they licked at my skin.
I must admit, I was afraid
Of what the murkiness hid
But what intrigued me more
Was how should I run in

Part II
Immersed in the water
Both frigid and wild
I felt a calm sense of self
A peace, an everlasting smile
Basking in your glow
We fed off each other's auras
What is the tide without the Moon?
The ocean without it's shores?

Part III
Shivering, teeth clenched
I was unprepared for this swim
I only wanted my feet wet
Now I'm left alone to fend
It's not the ocean I despise
For leaving me questioning and cold
It's the reminder of the choice I made
To race into the unknown.
The only way to describe our love
Is by a meticulously mixed metaphor.
 Nov 2013 psm
Jenna Moulton
I still love you.
Said the girl, as she cries herself to sleep.
I still love you .
Said the girl, as her heart disintegrates.
I still love you.
Said the girl, who looks oh so weak.
I still love you.
Said the girl, who will always sit and wait.
I still love you.
Said the girl, as she began to cut her wrists,
I still love you.
Said the girl, who's sadness can't be missed.
I still love you.
Said the girl, as her tears roles down her cheek.
I still love you.
Said the girl, colour in her face is bleak.
I still love you.
Said the girl, as she gained her angel wings.
I still love you.
Said the girl, as she met our only king.
I still love you.
Said the girl, as she looks down on your face.
I still love you.
Said the girl, every minute, every day, every place.
 Nov 2013 psm
Amanda In Scarlet
If I could kiss you now,
I might end up biting your lip until I drew blood.

You might get your *****,
But I could not promise to sheath my claws.
 Oct 2013 psm
Mike Hauser
Woke up this morning
To a powerful draw
Stepped out on the porch
Heeding the call

All of my neighbors
Were out there with me
Willing and able
To fill the powerful need

All went to the right
Not a one turned to the left
Came to the towns edge
Then went straight ahead

We walked on for days
We were far out of town
Not knowing the way
Nor where we were bound

We just  followed the pull
That tugged at our hearts
The roads became full
All with the desire

We came to a field
People throughout the land
The world came together that day

~And interlocked hands~
 Oct 2013 psm
Victoria S
We didn't drift,
we ran in opposite directions.

We used to wake with thoughts bound in union,
but now we rise with hearts in different times zones,
and minds set on horizons miles apart.

Tonight, goodnight feels like goodbye.

This isn't the distance you come back from.
This isn't the distance they meant when they said it makes the heart grow fonder.


We're so far apart.

— The End —