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 Oct 2015 prypaz
 Oct 2015 prypaz
i wish we lived in the universe where you and i work out.
"Hey little fighter,
Soon things will be brighter."

Not mine, but I find this very inspirational :)
 Sep 2015 prypaz
Jerielle Lasac
They say it's about who comes into your thoughts at 2 a.m.
But you came to me like war and flame
That runs in through my mind night and day
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Jhoerina Honrado
just when I'm about to lose control
You give me hope
and help me stand tall
from all the things that's hard to cope

 Aug 2015 prypaz
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Hey there precious one, my happy ever after
It seems you are taking your way too slow
But it is okay, I am still preparing
With no regrets I will be still
For it will teach me how to be patient
And to understand that our forever
**Will be worth the wait
you want to witness the truth?
you shouldn't see it
with your eyes*

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