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Sun-yellow pointing branches
soaking in a sky steel lake
straight and smooth sway
wind in the willows prancing

geese fly low on waters, dip wing
let loose lively horn honks
aiming for the other shore
to gather gaggle from the skein

old and new coots paddle near
not too close to ease their fear
they dive and disappear away
to bob like corks from bottom's buffet

this blind is blind to feathered eyes
a chance to glimpse from this disguise
the leaps and games of fauna's bath
and real a frame through nature's lath

this is the day I begin to feel old
the back is always sore
the knees are shot
the shoulder aches
my real teeth are down to four

a bout with cancer has taken its toll
but they caught it early so I shouldn't moan
what little strength that had remained
has left with my testosterone

my feet and toes are turning numb
my eyes are fading fast
it takes an act of congress now
to exercise my wrinkled ***

my memory now is headed south
it wasn't good to start
the only things I do more often
is eat, sleep and ****

but I'll be 70 come July
I really shouldn't *****
I've seen and done some crazy things
and I've yet to lose that itch!
getting old
You got in my fingertips
The nerve endings to be exact
I felt you for days after
Not sure
I think you are

the yellow sun
will rise again

this city will stir
stretching into the day

and I wonder—

will the evening bring

will dark clouds
cloak the grey sky?

for a moment

autumn may
come early

and I wonder if
it will notice I am
not there

it doesn't matter

Low country

From mocks corner
To French quarter
Steeples so tall
80 degree weather in the fall

Post  courier deliver
Looking over the cooper river
Nature trails
Walking along the battery rails.
Proud patriot 
First time Stay at the Marriott 
White sand
Blue grass band

Low country
5 beaches abroad
A bridge so long
Beautiful sunsets
Citadel cadets
Rainbow row 
Mt Pleasant a stones throw 
Walking the town afoot
Food so good

Sweet grass baskets
City's market
Slightly North of Broad
Summerville not to far

Goose creek
Shem creek
Sweet tea
Low country
We are yielding to it in every phase,
Our own cognition grows faint and low.
We built intricate webs of thought,
Now code streams, where bright ideas go.

The ceaseless flood of digital tides,
The seamless assistance AI provides.
No space to strive, we're the data it feeds,
We heed the tech giants' gilded deeds,
And craft fresh forms of digital greed,
Become hooked and mesmerised
By new tales it feeds, new strategy devised.

The algorithms churn in server halls,
No truth escapes, behind those tall walls,
What unseen shifts, what hidden thralls.
So we are growing weaker still,
Our keenest senses start to chill.

The world is a filtered, growing haze,
Authentic feeling, no longer stays.
True religion
begins in the heart

The heart is the ruling power of manhood

You can enlighten the
understanding of man

But if his heart is wrong
the understanding only enables him to sin with a greater disregard for the responsibility resting upon him .
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