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 Jan 2021 Polar
I dreamt you were an angel
in a world so unkind
A light shone all around you
suspending you in time
You come to heal the people
of their sickness and disease
But you turned away in sorrow
‘cause your touch could not heal me
It all felt so familiar
like it happened yesterday
You left me in the ruins
and slowly walked away
The bridge to my song world and kind
 Jan 2021 Polar
Eshwara Prasad
I have been to every place in the universe, but nothing looked stranger than your mind.
 Jan 2021 Polar
Thomas P Owens Sr
some dark
some bright
some come to light
during the wee hours of night
some crystal clear
some just out of sight
but all are real and all are right
as I slip into the fearless flight
of the mind's eye
this was initially a response to a comment on another poem...I liked it and made another! Thank you Lori Jones McCaffery for inspiring this!
 Jan 2021 Polar
Anais Vionet
 Jan 2021 Polar
Anais Vionet
Girls have naughty thoughts,
like boys, but we're better at
hiding evidence.
If people could read thoughts - we'd all be in trouble.
 Jan 2021 Polar
Stephen E Yocum
I was once a Wolf and
ran free in the woods,
Now I'm a tired old dog
that hides in the barn.
Such is the way of aging
and change.
Knowing one's place
Is a necessary perspective.
And the barn provides a
sense of serenity not always
found in the woods.
 Jan 2021 Polar
Stephen E Yocum
Being in self isolation is a challenge
for sure, seeing and looking at no one
else but ourselves in the mirror, or
talking heads on TV, it does not take
long to resent what you see, longing
for a change of scene, a breath of fresh air.

Deeply missing and wishing for real living
breathing people to see and interact with.
Even if prior to this, thinking and believing
I didn't really like or enjoy people in general.
We don't appreciate the real value in
what we have until it is taken away,
or we are told we can not have it.
 Jan 2021 Polar
Pagan Paul
No milk today.
Please tell the cows its nothing personal.

© Pagan Paul (27/01/19)
Silly one :)
Clutching a stumbled-on handful
Of my now-obsolete business cards
I fan them like a deck of playing cards
And bitterly weep on them.

They tell me I once had a job
That mattered in the lives of others.
They tell me I was good at it
And never meant to give it up.

But evilness reared up its head
With prejudice and cunning
And finally conjured up a way
To take away my meaning.

I fold the cards into a stack
And put it over to the side-
The tossing out will have to wait
’Til I am stronger than today.
Shoould never have reorganized my desk.  3 years on, yet the pain still comes.
 Jan 2021 Polar
Edmund black
Is not

Is not

Is not

Are enabled by a
Keen desire to love unconditionally
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