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 Jan 2021 Polar
 Jan 2021 Polar
sun came
for it's flower

she blushes in
the heat
of the

rouge from
a salmons pink

her joy always returns
with dew drops
of the dawn
that pearls
in the valley
of the rising sun

she is lotus my river of love.
For my wife
My lotus
My river of love
 Jan 2021 Polar
Logan Robertson

It works. I tried posting earlier, 2x, and received the message 502 Bad Gateway and for two days the poem
I posted had zero views. I was puzzled.
In fact I was saddened. In my view something not right with this site.
 Jan 2021 Polar
Carmen Jane
The end
 Jan 2021 Polar
Carmen Jane
I used to wait for you,
Right here in this corner
And when I felt quite blue
Your hug would make me warmer

But now the days have changed,
I step big steps on my own  path
I feel we've got estranged
It's really done, I've done the math

That one time when you didn't hear me
Followed by the other time you didn't see me
I'm telling you one plus one is two, my friend
I've done the math, we've reached the end.
This îs a repost from m aug 2020
 Jan 2021 Polar
Thomas P Owens Sr
I cannot remember the memories I forgot
I'm sure they are there somewhere
between despair and uncaring
un sharing them
they have diminished
like unfinished furniture
left in the cellar
dwellers of the dark
not sure why I wrote this...I seem to have forgotten
 Jan 2021 Polar
 Jan 2021 Polar
Gathering prompts from creation
I weave the fabric of reality
Tonight I paint the sky

An orchestration of shimmering shining
Humming hemispheric harmony
Colourful clusters of lights
Above your evening world!

All shall be remembered through dawn
As my awesome power moves on
To another sky
In somebody else’s mystique
Evening world!
Traveler Tim

In the Platonic, Neopythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Neoplatonic schools of philosophy, the demiurge is an artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe. The Gnostics adopted the term demiurge.
 Jan 2021 Polar
phil roberts
There's a shower of rain
Yet the sun still shines
There must be a rainbow

An old man nods in his chair
He came from nowhere
And went nowhere else
Journeying all the way

Now he journeys through time
Down the aching years
Things that he's seen and done
Some good and wondrous
And some of them terrible

An old man nods in his chair
Behind closed eyes
All the things he's seen and done
The people he's known
All the things he's said
Within his nodding head

Tears pour down his face
Down the canyons grooved by time
And yet he smiles
Gently and softly
There must be a rainbow

                       By Phil Roberts
 Jan 2021 Polar
Dimitrios Sarris
In the end everyone dies
and so the Gods envy us.
They envy us cause we're mortal
because any moment could be our last and
everything is more beautiful because we're doomed.
This doom is our freedom.
This doom is what Gods seek.
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