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 Feb 2015 Pokkuri
Steven Muir
They are
then anyone
who's cleaner.

a little drunk
maybe ******
I was sober
and they said
"Good on you"
"Why though"

I have gotten
a hundred more hugs
and shared food
and offers of a jacket
to keep off the cold
in a few hours with strangers
who form this family
then with my own
and many of my friends.

I felt
so *******
safe there.
 Feb 2015 Pokkuri
Morgan Shipe
I want to live in the crook of your neck,
Where I am always warm and always loved.

I want to live in the crook of your neck,
Your hands around my waist keeping me grounded.

I want to live in the crook of your neck,
So that every time I look up your lips will meet mine.

I want to live in the crook of your neck,
Because I know when I have sad days you'll only hold me tighter.

I want to live in the crook of your neck,
Where my mothers disappointment will be reflected off my shoulders.

I want to live in the crook of your neck,
Your love will be the only words to impact me.

I want to live in the crook of your neck,
The smell of your flannels reminding me to breath.

I want to live in the crook of your neck,
Your touch telling me I am part of your beautiful life.

I want to live in the crook of your neck.
 Feb 2015 Pokkuri
Bb Maria Klara
Were there things of I scarcely write,
Flesh-bound secrets: my darkest plight.
Unaided heat and aching skin,
A howling instinct come from within.

Such carnal longings... my guiltless crime
But none do know my mind sublime.
Left to myself, I twist and turn,
Frustrated flames in which I burn.

I feel the madness course through my veins.
I pull my hair; frustration reigns.
From my bit lip and furrowed brow,
Aroused, I ask myself "how now?"

In vast bedchambers, I lay alone.
My mind basking in depths unknown.
My toes curl tight and nails dig deep
for nowhere will my wetness seep.

I groan quite softly, left unappeased.
Such torment stands eternal tease.
Just one is tangled in pillows and sheets,
Trembling of wanting and unshared heat.

All over my skin the goose-bumps rise.
Perhaps a beast you'll find in my eyes.
What secrets be there in my physique,
Hidden within an element mystique.
Written sometime February 2014.
This may or may or may not have been my state at some point in time.(What fun would it have been if I said so?)
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