A rainy day, an acoustic guitar, a notebook, a studio apartment overlooking the city. "I want to measure my mornings in spoonfuls of coffee and my nights in empty cigarette boxes." I don't remember the name of the poet who wrote that but it couldn't describe my life any more accurately. I want to measure my mornings in spoonfuls of coffee and my nights in empty cigarette boxes. I want to measure my happiness in rainy days and soft kisses, poetry, I want to measure my recovery in full meals and trash bags full of razors, in tears shed by my eyes instead of my skin. I want to measure my free time in independent movies and 4 different kinds of music- indie, hard rock, classic rock, and pop-punk. I want to measure my infinities in starry night skies, galaxies, constellations, physics books I got in middle school and his eyes, his smile. I want to measure my victories in minutes without smoking and my losses in blaring headphones and labyrinths of white smoke. I want to measure my work ethic in sick days and missed bills. I want to measure my heart in belly dancing and ***** converse, in beanies and minutes spend holding him. I want to measure my life in written chapters and highlighted smiles in blue Christmas lights and TV show references, in my favourite movies and novels and songs and my dependence on myself, in cans of Peace Tea and Pringles and not regretting eating, in pens that help the words flow and laughs, smiles, hugs, kisses, and hope that in the future things will be alright... More alright than they are now.