I always was a strange girl, Never having a tight grip on reality, Escaping the gravity of sanity Keeping my head in the clouds, Never certain if my feet remained on the ground
Upon the innocent clouds, I explored this new Garden of Eden, and found you Bearing a rain cloud In the darkest part of the sky, You were only a lonely boy, A fallen angel, Stuck between the bounded Earth and--- The kaleidoscope of stars
Wherever you chose to roam Perfection would be concealed by flaws The stars above; burning and untamed Up in the sky in its sanity of perfect insanity Just twinkling little specs To fill the big void of black Emptiness
You taught me sanity is best judged by those who lack it, and like that, Your heavenly figure, Was all I thought was right
Our love blossomed like a cherry tree We inked the Twilight sky with hues of-- pink purity, violet passion, and crimson red Like a rose, but With a thorn
Like a thorn, you cut my heart And a ******, red dawn appeared I realized you were just a demon in my safest haven, I fell from the Garden, Falling back into a cage, All you left behind, a single, black feather
The sky erupted, Clouds letting emotions free, rain drowning all the life on Earth Killing the cherry tree And me.