you are post-apocalyptic cluttered with debris ruins under siege, destructive.
you are filled with nothing but smoke, I fight for you, search for one flash of light, for one hidden memory of brightness within you: the lights are gone at Yonge & Bloor the 501 to Roncesvalles has disappeared the condo showroom at King and Blue Jays Way is no longer filled with your hands on my hips.
you are empty, vacant, save for the souls of those who choose to remind me of days long forgotten: a hand grasped at Harbourfront, tears littering the patchy expanse of Bellwoods, your laugh at Queen and Dufferin.
you are a nightmare; a poltergeist, you are breathless and soulless and hopeless: nothing
you are cavernous Toronto – so encompassing, you will cut me in half before I heal and gain the desire to fight to stay.