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Oct 2014
The insane man with uncommon zen,
I encounter now and then near the city center
poses a nonsensical question each quite different,
every time he and i come face to face by chance,
then shares a smile with a conspiratorial wink.
        "Every one in this planet, even those ones
          who are at war with themselves or others
          inanely clamors'light, light, give us light'
          they sincerely believe it or not, do you think
          there is enough light, for all, assuming they all deserve it?"
I see the night getting  near and the electric lights started
opening their greedy eyes in quick succession,
I see a drop of it reflected in the well of his eyes,
He expects a "YES" or "NO"from me at once!
as if it's crucial to the survival of planet earth"

I look around and see light valiantly fights the army of darkness,
now tell me my friend, who now reads this, what would you advice?
I am waiting, I am all ears; darkness and light too listens.
I know you as a nice one,a good soul, balanced; come on tell me..,
K Balachandran
Written by
K Balachandran  Kerala, India
(Kerala, India)   
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