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Oct 2014
With lust you are driven
In a mind full of ignorance
A simple deteriorating soul
Lost in depths filled with sin
Lies be seat you
Harm will move you
My anger indulges you
You will feel my wrath
As I stand back and laugh
For the pain you've caused has only bounced back
You will never hear these cries
I will never again honor your lies
I wish for nothing more than to be away from your sworns
With deep roots into a soul that has many lives to conquer back
You will be alone
Your souls to slap
For I will not be in thy arms
For I will not be at your waste
For your means to life and what you choose is very much far beneath mine
A materialistic fool
For everyone knows new money drools
You are such a dog
And id be shamed to dance with a counting hungry fool
My estates
My family
You will never be
For I can see the real you and me
There is no you
Only me.
Lust after one who loves
Raw words
Written by
Raw words  NYC
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