Tear gas and fear tactics. Riot gear and semi-automatics. Our military industrial complex has come home. The government wire taps your cell phones. Spies on you with drones. While bully cops with billy clubs break your bones. You know the motto: serve master's interests, protect master's property. The crooked politician is today's slave owner. Officer his overseer. That sweet war on drug money armed them up. Homeland Security bought the armored truck. Nothing left to do but duck and cover up the evidence before it hits the 6 o' clock media dump.
I stand here today in full protest of toy soldiers in bulletproof vests placing American citizens under house arrest with evening curfews and death threats. Until those who are sworn to uphold the law begin to abide by the law, there will never be peace. There will never be rest. The Geneva Convention of 1925 prohibits the use of asphyxiating and poisonous gases, liquids, and bacteriological methods of warfare. The United States has spoken out against countless countries that have use these tactics on their own people but has stood idly by as the police use it as a tool to disperse the peaceful protests of American citizens.
This ******* needs to stop. No one needs to die. Not a civilian, not a cop. America's infatuation with arming itself has come with zero accountability and a severe lack of responsibility. A scared nation with fingers on triggers have created a bigger body count and has widened the gap between police and community.
Hate and bigotry will never disappear from the human psyche. It is the responsibility of every individual to bring positivity into the world. Ignore the intolerant. Praise the pacifist. May future generations reject the appalling actions of their forefathers and usher in a new age of love and peace based on tolerance and understanding.