They saw her face bright smiling and laughing They heard her giggles and laughs Everyone wanted to be like her Loving this adventure called life "She's full of life", they said
Little did they know She's an amazing actress
Her life is her best performance She's been wearing costumes and performing all her life But no one was able to notice
Or maybe they just decided not to see They ignored all the signs because it's easier than reality her reality
She deserves all the awards for her performance Oscar, Emmy, Tony...
All these years Being around thousands of people Her family, friends and colleagues She was able to fool them all
Does everyone who laugh and smile all the time really that much of a happy person? "No." Perhaps people who are, are the ones who do that to forget To forget their reality
"Maybe if I pretend long enough, it'll become my true feeling, it'll become my new reality, maybe.. maybe my performance will beat my depression. Maybe.."
Just see what's in front of you. See and don't ignore.