i shouldn't have been 10 years old when you forgot me on thanksgiving i shouldn't have been afraid of you coming onto me i shouldn't have told you in the 8th grade that it was me or alcohol i shouldn't worry when you have 1 beer i shouldn't have been told you had a coke problem when I was 15 i shouldn't blame my mom for cheating on you i shouldn't worry about you breaking glasses i shouldn't be embarrassed to introduce you to my boyfriend i shouldn't cry grandma shouldn't say that i have to accept it i shouldn't worry about you hurting the dogs i shouldn't get sad when you ask me the same question 3 times 4 times 5 times i shouldn't be afraid to have a drink with friends i shouldn't worry if i'm turning into you i shouldn't ask myself at 19 years old if i'm going to be an alcoholic mom shouldn't say i'm my father's daughter i shouldn't wonder why you can't choose me over the bottle i shouldn't blame myself
you shouldn't do this to me i'm "your girl" your daughter
put down the ******* ***** dad you're drunk at 12 pm