while others dream of getting an education finding a job getting a husband buying a house choosing curtains washing sheets doing chores and shopping groceries for the week at the local supermarket going out with the girls for a night out at some nice pub having a baby changing diapers teaching your kid to talk and read living the dream cooking pies for pastry contests growing old and becoming a nanny playing bingo in the local club and driving a nice car and not having troublesome teenagers and dying peacefully and having a fairly nice funeral and a nice piece of land in the local cemetery, I dream of staying up until 4 a.m. the only light coming from my laptop screen killing characters while pressing keyboard buttons drinking wine and smoking rolled cigarettes in a cramped apartment in some unknown city a room stuffed with art and scattered manuscripts all over the floor caffeine nights and starving my body but feeding my mind and freeing my soul I don't dream of getting married but of getting my characters together and then drifting them apart I don't dream of having children but of writing children who grab the opportunity and live a fascinating life I don't dream of living I dream of creating lives and deaths and dreams and love I don't dream of dying an old lady I dream of immortalising myself in creating fictional lives