Too much ******, I had to be your heroine, But I knew I could never save you.
You were suppressed of all your emotions, The real ones at least. Telling me lies all the time, I couldn't trust you anymore.
When you fall asleep with me, you don't keep me warm. Just a skinny, little shell of a beautiful body That I miss so much.
Track marks down your arms, Like little bits of hell. I feel them and kiss them while you sleep, Because I love you, I love you so dearly. I know one day morning I'll wake up and you won't be there. A long, long battle you stopped fighting forever ago will finally be lost. You took your last breath, and I wasn't awake for it, I was dreaming too deeply that when I awoke, things would be different.
I couldn't be your ******, and I couldn't be your heroine either.