where we are now is the causation of thinking someone gets you that they understand what you mean where you're coming from that they treat you the same way you treat them gently like the world’s most empathetic nurse despite the blatant risks available
and the *** is thrilling because it is like fighting but we want to hurt each other a dance of mutual combat
i am your photographer of war baby i am horrified by your truths and scars and death not because of their imperfections or ability to stain my mind with schizophrenic ptsd riddling throughout but because i am a casualty of your purpose
and much like war you’ve relentlessly sold me an idea and shown me how much of myself i have to give up and to betray for your manipulative propaganda in order to soldier on towards an empty promise this patriotic love is a cause that remains lost like bodies in rubble a love i have a tendency to incline to this serviceable love is scarce amongst rust and ruins and instead of cultivating it
you rage war
against me and
force my battle
(thanks for the experience…good luck)
i was only just getting to know her well and just when i developed stronger feelings i realized i knew too much