These thoughts so dark These visions so bright One cannot exist without the other in line Like the stars that shine through empty space Don't you see it?
The D u a l i t y Of L i f e
The B a l a n c e Of L i f e
We hold the key To destroy To create
But to wield such power
Who are we and Who are
And that is the Journey of life. To find who we are, or rather, to remember who we are. The stars shine in a vast nothingness. the heat creates light and form, and with the right mix...eventually you If there is no meaning, then what's the point? Randomness breeds Nihilism. And that breeds despair along with all of it's cousins, creating a chain reaction. As within, so Without. As above, So below.
We are responsible for what we create, weather we know it or not.
Artists create through pain, but also create through joy and love. We have intense emotions. They are both a gift and a curse. We have the ability to transmute. Everyone does in some way. I think therefore I am. I speak, therefore I create. What you think creates the world you live in. What you speak forms it into existence. How we use it is up to us. There is a blessing in every curse and a curse in every blessing. Otherwise, how would we know anything without it's opposite?
*If I don't believe in something beautiful than I will fall into myself into utter destruction and ruin and fall into the darkest depths my thoughts can fathom. Seeing the beauty in the smallest of things keeps me...alive. It keeps me here it keeps me from falling, it keeps me from making myself disappear. Sometimes I want to die. Other times I feel nothing. But what pulls me out of that is seeing the beauty of things, the balance, the compassion. Sometimes I need to fall really hard again to see it once again. Because every so often, i need to be reminded of just how beautiful things are, but to do that I need to pull myself through the darkest depths of myself and face the hell i created for myself to remember what the light once looked like. Such is life. In all things. But that's just what I think.