I wish, I was a Rainbow Colour. That defined My Life, at Night. One that made Me look, a lot more Fuller. One with which, I'd shine Bright. Yellow is a Colour, that's Contagious, It has a Smile, that's on a Boil. It's the centre of Joy and Happiness. A Life without Work and Toil. In Red, I would look Bold and Handsome. I would stand out, in the Crowd. Warning all, When there's danger around, I would move around, like a Cloud. Green is a Colour that matches Nature, I would be ready to Jet, Set....Go. It is Zealous and has lot of Passion Sky is the limit, l can Grow. I would look Suave , if I was a White. But actually I'm Black and Blue. Life has painted Me with these 2 Colours and I'm stuck to them like Glue.