Do you know me? Do I know you? What secrets do you embrace?
I have my pleasures, My little treasures. I wonder if I am the only one?
They're not to be hidden, Nor are they forbidden. They're just mine. My secrets.
For example, Do you like to dance crazily with music loud? Do you do art, paint, draw, create? Do you go for a walk late at night? Do you sit in your room and contemplate? Or do you think about who would win, superman or batman? Do you feel sad? Do you feel happy? Do you have a secret anger that burns you? Or are people as plain as they look upfront? What is it that you do that you hold dear, near and out of fear you keep inside?
I wonder. Am I the only one with secrets that no-one knows? Why do I hold them so close? To make them feel like mine. What am I afraid of, That if someone knew my secrets, they would no longer be secret? Why does this make it feel special? If no-one knows about them? If they were known, it would no longer be enjoyable. Is it for the lack of judgement that I tell no soul I know? Or is it to keep it mine and by sharing it, it is no longer mine to share? Is it my secret and do you have any you want to contribute? Then it will be our secret.