Loneliness is something that I can endure I don't want you to be my revolving door; someone I run to for comfort or relief When I think of you now I feel worry and ease.
Many different thoughts take a walk across my mind, You're precious to me and it's hard to hide. I miss you so much, the term feels overused When I see friends on the street, I'm reminded of you
We never got to do the things we planned, So many trips were left in neverland. It was painful to feel my heart soar with excitement To be broken constantly through cancelations
I'm trying to understand now, and leave all these things behind. It seems my head is stuck in the past, Pain catches up with me through time
So many unresolved feelings lie within me Things I wanted to say, hugs I wanted to give but ignored because of my worries, how do I let go of these longings?
Revolving doors are for buildings But I still want to resolve my feelings.
I wish I spent more time doing things with you than just sharing my thoughts.