I imagine you ever blooming ever radiant ne'er had you budded nor will you wilt poise pristine artful to the letter my memories of you shall ne'er idle in memoriam they are crisp and clear as daybreak the sight of you breaks me open not the raging flow of magma nor the rushing of a river neither the shooting of a star ne'er the passing of time itself what flows from me is pure as it must be to be worthy of your charm and wit and passion my veins pulse with imbibed inspiration I drink you in like forests drink the universe slow and gentle patient and careful deep thirsts masked by soft touch lust of your form masked by song for your beauty is lyric personified you are desire's orchestra a tempest of pleasure a monolith of midnight towering with grace casting shadows that embrace long, oh, long I wait in the dark of the folds of your flower caressed by your mercy your silken petals soothe me as I dream as I pine for a taste sure to be sweeter than the bitter chaste of loneliness...
Written as an ode to a holistically beautiful woman. This was a joy to write.