Shortsighted we have eyes to see things in front of us present tangible reality worldly ideas and substances superficial fear, worries, cares what do we eat, drink, wear? where do we go, what do we do next where shall we see ourselves in five to ten years so we make our schemes and plans and we grasp for control In trying to be king, we end up tyrants enslaved to our own tyranny Influenced by darkness
Shortsighted Lord, have mercy give us eyes to see beyond ourselves ever-present eternal realities divine providence, contentment In abundance or lack, we have everything we need And that we are worth more Than any temporal worry or care Lord, give us eyes to see our lives not as mere earthly things but to build ourselves heavenward upon the steadfast Rock that we may be humble, as a speck of dust in the grovel under the sovereign kingship of a good and Holy God that we may not waver at the tossings and turnings of this world Lord, give us eyes to see Your light That we may live with faith, hope, and love - that we may live with vision.