be solved, frame finished, insides intact like those of an engine running smoothly, carry this heart as heaven, with legions of love imbuing beloveds at the flutter of my belly butter-
flies; these dreams as dynasties, ever-flourishing; these creatures titled thoughts, staying steadfast and faithful to the tenets of my temple, unfolding their fortunes
—be all that I am suited for
but I am stifled spells locked within flesh, rickety humanity, an ocean tucked into a jar—roaring and rising, with no moon to chase, no clouds to visit;
and so with sharpened dreams, with the longing for an escape, I cut strings from my vessel, but end up with a severed self and a reality in ruins
and so with a turgid heart, with a heart that keeps swelling and searching and spreading into too many chests, I shatter in seasons.
oh, but even a god would be jealous of how I keep splitting and bleeding with so much love left to live for, with so many dreams destined to die for—
much more godly it is to triumph like a god in human body.