Ours a tale, a fateful twist, a strange dance, Like two stars forever intertwined, Moving alongside each other over the Horizon, but many many light years apart, My love is like this what I see in my mind.
You and your tomboy-delicate features, Short dark hair-youthful eyes play, Me in my old age holding on many years away, But still waiting for you to cross this distance. One day you will see just how far apart we are, But they still seem so nearby one another in my heart.
Please don't be afraid, I will be one days length off-away-even distanced, Though so far away. It's what draws me out to you, Even in my last breaths, you'll stun. I am never going to forget How you held me this close with that salty sweet Taste I still can't resist on the tip of your tongue...
I will never distance like the stars do to-even if you let go.