7:30 Get up Stand Cold dizzy Jamie... Where is-- Who?
8:00 Breakfast Eggs Bacon Toast Milk Mmm
9:00 Stoll Trees Sun Flowers I miss being a flower So beautiful So free Flowing with the wind I wont forget that
10:30 Seeker Told her what i know Yet apparently she knows my human Better than the one inside We should just **** her, save some time wait what?
12:00 Comforter "These feelings I have never felt hatred I dont like it but I cant let it go being here even I just Hate It" Souls are pure Flowers were perfect Calm and peaceful This alien body is just a ticking bomb A killer
2:00 Thoughts I just want to sleep But I miss him Who Theres a wall whats wrong with this body? Was it damaged? no Healer Ford wouldn't have let me in it but why I cant i see this over this wall I want to see
Inspired by The Host by Stephanie Myers. Its wasnt finished but I have been going blank and its been a draft for a while