Autumn has gone. Found at last its eternal song. Each autumn season is different. Your autumn song was treasured by me and the many. The falling leaves will never know again your particular bliss. I lost my autumn leaf My precious Cynthia leaf. Please don't be dead. My mentor. My dearest friend. No this can't be. Your eyes. your smile. Your strength is my forever family. Tell Samantha. That I love you both. A part of me dies with you. I am the last of our group. I suppose you had to go.. I would rather have you as a friend than a foe. You always followed the path of your cosmic soul flow. A new angel. A loving mommy soul. Got You and Sammy watching over me now. Watching over Joseph and Margaret as well. My heart is truly broken. To find out unexpectedly that you have passed on. Reminds me of how precious life is. You always taught me to live life and move on. You will always be my autumn song. Your magical fire and friendship ignites hope within me anew. One day, we shall meet again. When Father God calls me home to be with my family and friends.