Remember? The first secret no one knew, but me and you?
Was it secret from Daddy or Mommy? from boys, or from girls, or the rest of the world?
Did we agree to lie to keep the secret? Is that how it got sacred?
Do you recall what that secret is? Is there some rite we must redo?
I look around and think, if life were the secret, it is leaking. And I seem to have forgotten what parts were sacred and what parts are not.
Are you still here? Is this sacred still?
Our secret place, quiet place, where peace seeps beneath a sludge of lies, under which the hidden source of all we ever hoped would never be exposed, lay in secret innocense, pure as a child's promise,
more precious for its being hidden all these years.
A seed, you said we'd see fruit from one day.
Wait and see, I heard you say.
But I am blind, or this is night.
Hmmm, wandering through old I don't knows, I think this ...