Those days, Those days in Prashanti, not a care in the world waiting for the Lord of the Universe
Rainbow sequined saris flutter like colorful prayer flags in the sultry, warm breezes
Women devotees, buzzing honeybees, breathlessly squeeze into granite window openings outside the mandir straining to see, hoping their adoring eyes will be blessed by the nectarine vision of Sai Avatar
Seva Dal angels in vivid orange and yellow scarves manage to bridle the swooning, burgeoning, euphoric crowds with spirited "Sairam, Sairams"
O Baba what we wouldn't give for a chance to once more see your airborne Lotus feet floating towards us on the golden sands of Puttaparthi
Reverently, I press my fingertips to my eyelids taking padnamaskar these orbs, these orbs once gazed upon the holy sight of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba