Do I dare say that I wish I was invisible That people didn’t look at me and on the streets I could walk peacefully No shady eyes or stares Perhaps it’s my paranoia and perhaps nobody cares The thing that gets me the most about life Is the insurmountable amount of hype I get it’s a gift and believe me, I’m grateful But this distasteful existence I lead is starting to get to my head Like the smell of cigarettes in my mothers car No matter how far the drive I would hold my breath and hope to survive I kind of feel like life is this way Because despite my actions day to day I still wonder why I’m here and what is it that I walk on the street and fear Is it the people and their perceptions Or is it me and how I view myself Fearful of astral projecting it onto everybody else If they thought of me the way I think of me then holy hell what a different world this would be I can’t understand why I float about here in space But in case you were wondering I’m here for love and it doesn’t matter if you call me a disgrace I think the man I’m in love with is from heaven above And yes it’s unconventional, after all we live in to separate worlds But he sees me for me and not my childish comments as a girl For a second can you think what it would be like to not exist? That’s a crisis all in itself and scientists are always ****** when you ask them what comes next in life for the dead They can’t wrap their head around not being here So they discount the new studies that come out every year I don’t know what to believe and I really don’t care Just get me away from this place so I can leave and be fine I want to disappear like an erased pencil line