I want you to know that my heart is yours. You have me hooked. And I never stop thinking about you. And I’m falling in love with you but I’m trying so hard not to. I’m afraid to let go because in one way or another, even if you catch me, history says I’ll sooner or later be dropped from your arms, off a ledge. And my wings aren’t repaired yet I’m not ready to fly. And I wish I could tell you all of this. (I hope you don’t think me saying it’s okay is a lie) But I’m so broken that the connection between my heart and my mouth was severed by the shards. So instead I support you in what you want and wish that you could read my mind and know that even though it’s okay, it hurts. I wish you knew that in order for me to learn to trust you enough to stop putting up walls, you need to be persistent. I want you to want me but not out of obligation. I will always leave the door open. I hope you don’t feel inclined to use it.