When someone praises me I'm like a deer under headlights Of course I'm delighted beaming, even But I really don't know- how to respond ... Do I brush it off? Act like it's not a big deal whether or not it really is And move on to another subject? ... Do I just stay quiet Look down shyly, and smile? Or just let the conversation pass me by? ... Do I adamantly reject it? Refuse, and insist to the point that the person before me ends up fighting with me about it? ... Do I roll with it, faking non-existent confidence? Owning up to it, sometimes in a joking manner? ... Do I immediately switch the topic to praising the one who praised me? Or have them talk about themselves to turn the attention from me? ... Or, do I just smile large and wide and thank the person? ... I don't know and it irritates me that I can even have trouble with something as lovely as a compliment ... It's not negative hurtful or even a criticism ... So why does it bother me? ... Maybe ... I care too much about what others think of me