Stirring, snaking, coiled up in your soul – Slurring, shaking, embroiled like an actor in a role. You feel it rise up from a well of distaste, With zeal, it controls you, Suppressed anger flowing with haste.
Truth chips away at your defences, Your uncouth hips sway off-tune As your mind battles in the trenches. You feel it, again; An anger that shakes the cages it is in, A battle for the ages, confined to the mind within.
It doesn’t have to be like that; You shouldn’t have to bow down to a philistine Just because their wallet is fat. Stop the defensive, launch the attack! Let the awakening happen, get the vermin off your back!
Be the message that ends this war on the poor! Arise from the wreckage, and of this be sure: You are controlled only if you act demure, If your faith in what you believe is right Lies cold, dead and insecure.
Youth to the fight! Bring truth to the light! All will be lost Unless the fires of justice burn bright.