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Sep 2018
Bite my tongue and I'll bite yours.
You want to fight with your mind.
But I will not let you make it happen.
I know you still think about her.
But we're together to heal from the agony they've caused us.

I hid the mirror so we could not see the reflection of our bad decisions.

Are not you tired of love roller coasters?

Today I want you to let the wind control your mind.

You remind me of an old love story.
Do not ask you to ignore
Will not.

Do you want to go outside hunt teenagersย  dreams?
You spent all night staring at the stars seeking the cure of rejection

Turn off the radio.
The time to think about broken hearts is over.
Today I just want to have intimacies with the moon.

I do not want to talk about broken hearts today.
Otherwise I'll leave.
I still hear him in my mind
I want to be naked under the moonlight.
I want to control your mind.
I want to listen to indie music.
I want to see the girls' white teeth
I want to be the poetry not understood.
I want to dance until I can not anymore
I do not want to think about wounds.
I want to feel free.
I'm going to celebrate that we're still alive.
But today I will not talk about broken hearts.
Shirley Antonio
Written by
Shirley Antonio  21/F/Namibia
   Survived and ---
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