What does it mean to have you as my best friend? Does it mean that you really are the best? Cause I'm always impressed From east to west From north to south No one can compare how amazing of a friend you are
Supported me Cared for me Loved me Trusted me Understood my insecurities Never complained Criticized when needed to But defended me in times of difficulties Wiped my tears away Your heart is on display Cause you make my day
I want to hug you I want to hold your hand and look into those sparkly eyes and say I'm happy I have you in my life I want to show you my world I want to give you happiness like no other A prayer for you is my love for you Everyday by your side I'll be your guardian angel We will meet one day That day will be mystical and magical I'll show you what life really means No sadness grief or hurt or depression will take over you Cause your itself the source of happiness Your love and mine together will change the world I can't give you the whole world my dear But I'll surely give you mine
Your not a person Rather your an angel Like an Aingeal Destroys everything in its way But moved with compassion and love An angel without wings An angel who protects me An angel who fights for me An angel whose heart is warmer than the sun rays You are worth all the amaze An angel God sent to be by my side From the inside We are unified
Your truly my twin flame You deserve to be in the hall of fame You not only melt my heart But mould it and remove all the impurities You are more important to me than anyone else More than life itself you are my life Nothing pleases me more apart from you Spending time with you makes me realize time waits for you The whole world stops when you smile Cause when I look at your eyes I see life and beauty God blessed me with you and I hope to cherish it forever
I see beauty in you I see life in you I see happiness in you I see God working in you I see compassion in you I see kindness in you I see intellect and wisdom unlike no other I see love in you like no other
Your smile needs to be treasured Even a thousand pictures cannot capture it Your heart needs to be loved Even if it doesn't you are the definition of love Your mind needs to be kept calm Cause your sarcastic and kind thoughts are one of a kind Your body needs to be passionately loved Your body needs to be touched like no other Not an ordinary touch but a touch which can spark your inner self A touch and love which destroys the beasts inside you A touch which releases you of all pain A touch which gives you love like no other A touch which connects and takes you to another world You deserve all the love in this world
Words cannot describe how much you mean to me Even if it takes forever I'll always be by your side Cause dear you complete me You comfort me Thanking you is not enough Giving you the whole world is not enough Only my love for you You are the reason for me being alive You are my angel You are my twin flame You are most of all my best friend
For all of you who have best friends around the world <3