this is your story do not be ashamed may this be the telling of your journey let your hands open up like gates and your fingers flow like streams your plams, the palette on which you walk the ground on which you scrape up paint and you stroke your fingers against the canvas your Creator has made so may forests grow and mountains be lifted may oceans part and the waters be stilled by gentle kisses of reminiscence and the introspection of our heart's rythmic hum all by the grace and power of God because these poems are your story so do not be ashamed instead, may this be the telling of His glory
orenda | Huron | (n.) a mystical force present in all people that empowers them to affect the world
I think it's amazing how God can take our broken past, and use it so we can give a testimony to other people that shows them how God can take such brokenness and heal us so we're able to bring Him glory through that. So I encourage people, do not be scared to share your past; look at where you are at now, all by the grace and power of God, so share that with others. And I encourage you poets, do not be ashamed of where you once were or what you're going through now; as much as you may doubt, sharing those things will help someone who can relate to you