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Jul 2018
pictures fall from heaven
and from hell but all this is one thing
bananas pineapples oranges
all the pictures are mine in this world
and this light is my eye
and your and your eye is my eye
and all eyes about my
and my eye and I'll trust you

I do not exist I do not have
in this world as well as you
I'm in your head you gave birth to me
but I gave birth to you I'm your creator
all around is falling pictures are rushing
from the future and past present times
soon time will fall soon time we die
But do not forget that it is already a long time
long ago as time has forsaken us forever

I do not exist I do not have
I'm out of you and I are out of times I'm out of time
bananas pineapples oranges and paintings
all this is the product of my eyes
and all eyes in this world are all my eyes
and I'm all your I'm your consciousness I'm your idea
you gave birth to me like the moon like the sun
and do not forget that I gave birth to you
that we all created each other
snow is snowing is snowing is snowing is coming

Maxim Keyfman
Written by
Maxim Keyfman  16/F/The Ruömmenpdolf
(16/F/The Ruömmenpdolf)   
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