~ ⭐ ~ Let sun-kissed thin bamboo paper lanterns glide
Fly high up touch the sky give light to my words
There always are lessons in our failures grow
to chase the light in life dare to run and fly
Touch heaven's face with the candle that burns bright
Know that the lights will guide you to the right path
Close your eyes Let your heart be the tender light
Wear your scars with your pride Each have special tales
Laugh without such big fears of times ahead smile
Let the life of my words and my lanterns glow
Find your life's true meaning don't be afraid go
~ ⭐ ~
These Lantern poems are super fun and now, it's slight addictive! These Lanterns light words of life which I hope will brighten someone's day. One of my many dreams is to attend a Lantern festival in Asia, specifically Japan and China. I've always wanted to go. There's something so magical, something enchanting about watching lanterns float away. A beautiful sight. Life has many lanterns. Be in awe! It'll show you the way.