There's a place Where a radiant sun Beautifully illuminates and embraces The rugged contours of a jagged skyline Before dipping into a gilded horizon But never forgetting its promise To return with an enriched fervor again While an exquisite scythe like moon shines like the weapon of goddess kali And drives away the darkness Not only from the sodden skies But also from the core of our souls And the eternal stars flawlessly carve a splendid intricate tapestry of flickering constellations That doesn't seems so far Light years away We can touch them With our heartfelt dreams and desires That we've buried somewhere along the way the air still tastes like sweet nectarine And washes away the agonizing tang of festering rues and regrets While the heavenly scent of rubescent flowers Mingles with a velvety wind That wafts through a vibrant foliage And conjures songs so deliriously melodic Which magically lightens a heavy heart And gently soothes restless minds replete with chaotic contemplations In this place the crimson flames of sublime love Never turns livid and blue with hate Every breath alleviates our despair It's ethereal ambiance dampens our unease Let us try to find that place Before it's too late Let's go there