I saw the house today The house that I grew up in The house where you left me The house that is no longer mine
I’m seeing an old friend tomorrow Used to be thicker than thieves Where nothing could ever stop us And now we are strangers
But don’t get me wrong I missed my family That I live so far from I wouldn’t miss this chance for the world
The fear is still there Of turning the corner seeing you there On the road Colder than ice
The pain still exist In holidays In birthdays On deaths days
Relationships that were once so close Are now broken Minds were once healthy Are now scarred
Did you ever think About what would happen If you got on that bike
Of course you didn’t
After all you would have been here if you had
I wrote this poem as I am currently in my home town. This poem shows my true emotion on what used to be my favorite place, is now my worst nightmare. Great thing I’m going to college here next year, isn’t it? (Unfiltered poem #2)