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May 2018
Bad enough to be good

With flames of love all around her, she cannot be held.
This fire burns only for her, but I am on the outside.
A vision of true beauty, an intoxicating smell,
Which draws me forever deeper inside her beautiful mind.

As I am falling, she is calling,
I am unable to resist her charms.
Sooner or later, I will succumb to her feminine wiles
And be trapped, always, inside her arms.
Until that time I will remain, floating away in space,
Hoping and praying that I am found some day.
If she comes knocking on my door,
I will open my heart to her gladly;
My love will always be yours.

I will walk across land to stand before her,
Confessing my plans to worship her,
Until the end of time.
If she asks it of me, I will let love be-
Come; I will let her love into my life.
If she needs me, then I will be there,
If she is ever sad, I will always care,
Enough to do all I can to cure her pain.
I will hold my tongue and speak no more when she is having a bad day.

I will not infect her thoughts.
I will protect her from my depression, like I know I ought,
For she will have given me her love.
I will keep my negative feelings deep on the inside.
I will always keep her next to my heart;
I will speak of her with pride.
I will keep her happy, if only she asks it of me.
She has torn down all my walls.

I stand here helpless, overcome with love.
The tears of sadness have become tears of happiness.
The lady in the red dress, so hot to the touch,
I now truly know to be,
Bad enough to be good.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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