I hate to admit it but time has changed everything. How that our once endless talks have come to a stop. How that our promises of staying together forever are no more kept. How that there are thousans many thing to wept. How that you don't want to see me any longer. It hurts. I have never asked you in the very first place to be a part of my life. I have never asked you to help me with my state of loneliness. I have never asked for a life with some decent friends. I have never asked you to change me from an introvert to somewhat of an extrovert. I have never asked to inflict pain upon me. I have never asked you to leave me after you are done. I have never asked you to leave me in agony for one more time. I have never asked you to just go away of me. I have never asked you to just ignore me. I have never asked you to make me cry.......... Then why? Why you made me your priority once? Why have you now dumped me now like this, as if i never mattered to you. Time seem to have changed you As well as your priorities....... :(