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May 2018

The cool breeze of the sea
Gently flowing with a tender bite
It swept around us gracefully
Shrouded in the darkness of night

The soft grass beneath our skin
As we sat upon that hill
Clear wide view of the ocean bright
The world lit solely by moonlight

A light hearted conversation dwelled
As you confessed to me your sins
Cursing yourself for your past
Losing your mischievous grin

Falling back with a soft thud
Sighing as you look up to the sky
Laying down beside you
Before looking you straight in the eye

I don't fault you for the things that you've done
I mean
We all do stupid things don't we?

A moment of silence fell upon us
A murmur of what has been said
We all do stupid things
The warmth of one another spread

Both of us a little hesitant, Our lips seemed to have met
It was gentle and kind, Soft and sweet
And in that fleeting moment my heart skipped a beat

Pulling away and hiding within his embrace
We both laughed softly, As the sparks fade away
It was merely a moment, for it was my first
But the warmth still remains long after we dispersed

Holding each other tight, as we kissed yet again
We lay in content silence, simply looking out at the sea
The lights from the city afar, appeared elegant and bright
The waves rolled in calmly, not another person in sight
Written by
Nyx  21/F/Shadows of the Opera
(21/F/Shadows of the Opera)   
       Red, julie, mjad, AC, Dev and 3 others
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