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Apr 2018
Will you come tonight?
the gold moon hangs
full and low
a lantern beaming between
dark pine branches

I wait with a gardenia blossom
in my hand and the fragrance
of night blooming jasmine
in my hair

O Lotus eyed Lord
bhajans fall like petals
from my lips
Console us with the
sound of Your dancing ankle bells

Frogs are croaking in the garden
fairy solar lamps light a fragrant path
for you to walk upon

Frightful sounds of the world fade
away with holy hymns as the
mist sweetly parts

I wait like Radha waited for her
Krishna and Mira Bai too
only the blush of Your Love
sustains us

Perfume the world with your
Sacred Presence
Sai Krishna
Sonya Ki Tomlinson
Written by
Sonya Ki Tomlinson  Palm Bay, Florida
(Palm Bay, Florida)   
   Indranys and Wordmancer
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