when you left you took my broken soul with you leaving me with nothing
you took it all leaving me numb emotionless
you took my broken soul now it cant be fixed
i could've fixed my soul from some love and happinesses but i cant anymore you took everything away
now i write poetry trying to feel but how do i feel without my sunflower soul
please give it back i know you have it please let me be happy like a sunflower
but how can i be a sunflower without my sun you took my sun away my brightness my light my everything
mad? no
how can i ever be mad? you once made me so happy you were once my sun you were once my everything
but soon you became my moon the most beautiful moon but the moon doesn't work for a sunflower
so no i'm not mad i just miss you i want my broken soul back i want my sunflower soul to be whole again i want my sun back even if that sun may not be you