Milk a cow of all its milk. Silk feels like a Dairy Milk Silk. Fire your conscience and burn in Hell’s eternal fire. Hire yourself a team of lawyers, if you decide to get any higher.
Mean what you say, but don’t be too mean. Leave a puddle of tears in a tantrum, When you have had enough of smoking your leaves.
Times they are a changing. I think it’s a sign of the times. March to war to administer peace, Before the funeral march in March.
Water down your bottled water, Before you get a problem like before. Mother Nature is trying to tell you, It’s time for you to become a Mother.
Dance a dance of lust and romance, With anyone who loves you to dance. Build up your hopes and fill up their lives; Be happy together in the restaurant, before you get the bill.
Daughters don’t trust anyone; For even a saint can bring the slaughter to your daughter. Dress a Queen in a wedding dress. An ant is still just an ant, even if you have named it Anne.
Break a promise to yourself of independence. Fix it up with make believe and find a new romance; A new way to dance the horizontal mambo. Work for free, to find release, Of money causing problems…Oh! And don’t forget to quadruple, Your first and last by-pass. Sell your soul to Santa Claus; Mom’s gone to Iceland to buy some Reindeers in packs.
Phone home E.T., there is no-one home. Speak a little louder, use a megaphone. Space – The Final Frontier. If you need to find some space; Face the music, sing an encore, Replace your hate with a smiley face.