I listen to them as they mouth your name; and I see how deluded, how hypnotic, how enchanted and consumed they talk of your ways and, how the stars in their pupils beam with a radiance of such pure awe. Your words hang loose off the tops of their tounges and their lips drool in your glaze. Your lazy features, your so electric but so infuriating charm - sends them mindless, locks them in your illusion.
So itβs then
I try to burn every sheet of paper which ink prints your presence, inside these desperate shelves which fold upon each heartstring.
My ears attempt to block it out. Instead they replay every song that has ever left your lips. And my eyes deceive me as they scatter a particle of you on every surface of life I encounter.
My mind echoes every laugh you created in my streams.
Then I paint every colour you ever erupted within me, in thick black.
As they mouth your name, every trace of you with anyone but me, causes my hands to pull through my gut, and hammer down any of these ******* deceptive daydreams that you have me trapped me in.
And then so easily, one by one, debris of my heart crumble like rain down your window, down each vein.