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Apr 2018
Alone / not alone.

I saw red roses today.
I saw a tear drop too.
I cannot decide which moved me more…


I heard the news of the victory;
I heard the world had been lost.
I heard they spoke of peace,
As they worked out what it was.

If a man has a battle plan,
Then you can be sure that he is lost;
The plan will never work.

If a man has a tank,
You will forever be counting the cost,
Against the decision’s worth.

If a man is a man, he would not need to fight,
But I am a man and I am never right where I belong.

I pick up a telephone.
The line is busy,
E.T. is phoning home.
Where he intends to go,
He would not tell us;
I just, don’t, know.

All I know is, I am alone,
When I am not alone.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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