Can it be that we No longer have to worry, Be concerned about IQ and such, It not much longer meaning much When something’s to be learned?
Can it be we do not need those centers To adapt and enter Higher states, Taking in non-useful crates Of knowledge and/or information.
Wouldn’t that be lovely… Days that don’t demand the shove Of knowledge from an app To make you happy?
Synapse, axon, neuron: Hordes of intricate connections Just to reach a level new; Some new standard, some new status You consider you.
Well, it seems that they’ve discovered What you probably knew all the time: You only need a darned few dendrites, Through the days and nights Of facts and figures all around; Surrounding signals chemical/electric To slow down the darned runaround.
Can it be that life that thrives Is simpler than our brains surmise From all the data thrown at us?
Maybe just a little meditation And the silencing of motion In the ocean of illusion And the feeding of a news that’s false - What we’re really needing, The concoction and the potion Has been right before our noses All the time.
Can It Be? 3.29.2018 Our Times, Our Culture II; Revelations Big & Small; Arlene Corwin